Challenge Day
TGJ Podcast 47

Challenge Days ft. Shane Bacon

Is a bad day on the course really better than a good day anywhere else?

“It wasn’t a golf course. It was trying to accomplish a half-marathon or run an ironman. That’s the equivalent I find in the golf space, because you’re never going to see or play anything like it.”

Shane Bacon

Is a bad day on the course really better than a good day anywhere else? On episode 47 of the TGJ Podcast, host Tom Coyne puts that old adage to its greatest test. First he connects with Shane Bacon to recount his feature in TGJ No. 10, where he got his “teeth kicked in” at Scottsdale National’s Bad Little Nine. We then open the floor to some familiar names and fresh voices to hear their lowest points on the course. Listen in as Fore the Ladies’ Abby Liebenthal, Outside the Cut’s Trey Runkle and more rehash their personal challenge days.