Bump&Run: 5/2/22
It’s May, and golf season is (finally) in full swing. Last week saw TGJ events at Prairie Dunes and Boiling Springs, BTS members checking in from our 49th and 50th states, and a whole lot more. Welcome to Bump&Run.
Bump&Run is the weekly recap of our members-only Discord server. Haven’t joined our server yet? Do so here: glfrsj.nl/BTSconnect
maxwell rolling
108 Broken Tee Society Members took on Prairie Dunes last Monday, and a perfect weather day contributed to one of the finest TGJ events we’ve seen to date.
Photos via Nick Rose:
And congratulations to our winners in the gross and net divisions…
From left to right: Kevin Joyce, Tad Render, Ryan Neill, and Brian Hickey. Great playing!
Head to the 🌾│prairie-dunes channel on Discord for a full recap of the day’s festivities.
the baptism at boiling springs
After getting our fill of Prairie Dunes, we headed south into Oklahoma to explore one of the nation’s finest up-and-coming golf experiences: Boiling Springs.
Superintendent Jeff Wagner and his team are cooking up something special in Woodward, and we could not be more supportive of the club, the course, the people, and the overall vibe. If you’re anywhere nearby, to steal a phrase from Gary Player – for the love of golf, go.
tulsa time
Because who doesn’t love a little light-up Par 3 action? Here’s the BTS squad from a Wednesday night meetup at Tulsa’s LaFortune Park.
Casey and the gang also sampled the local fare and took in a Tulsa Drillers game–more to come on this front in the TGJ Digital space.
refer madness
With the end of another month comes the drawing of our Referral Game winners, plus the unveiling of next month’s prize!
Congrats to Taylor Wyatt (@TWyatt700) and Jordon Wyatt on winning $500 to Linksoul!
As for May’s prize? How about two $500 FootJoy gift cards – one for you, and one for your referral recipient! Get out there and spread the gospel.
and now for something completely different
April’s Book Club pick was Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian. It was a haunting and difficult read. So we decided to pivot.
May’s choice is none other than Dr. Alister MacKenzie’s The Spirit of St. Andrews, a jaunty little treatise on his theories and practices of golf course architecture. Our Book Club readers will certainly enjoy more restful nights after cracking this one.
Punch shots
A smattering of our community’s finest posts from the past week:
- A recap unlike any other: @AndyC’s Masters recap in the 🧶│golf-yarns channel makes for the perfect lunchtime reading. Wit, wisdom, perspective, and a dash of fatalistic humor make this a wonderful personal reflection on The Masters.
- ¡Bienvenidos! There are tournament previews, and then there’s last week’s Mexico Open One and Done preview from @JoshS. Emojis, wit, and some legit history made this an effort to remember.
- Early night in Kauai: Ready to be jealous? Head to the 📸│photography channel to get lost in some sunset photos of Princeville GC from @Cmanes3.
- Anchors aweigh: Golf has arrived in Alaska, and @Megakarl99 couldn’t be happier. Get those swings in, friends!
- Accentuate the positive: @CodyDPDX started journaling his round’s good shots, and almost immediately posted a career-low 74. Coincidence? You decide.
- Groove-y: From Colby Creger in 🏒│gear: “Can I just take a moment of appreciation for why I love BTS? … we’ve got 5-10 guys talking about golf brushes, pros, cons, value for $, and multiple guys (including me) ordering a new tool/gear piece. Just no other place like this for golf psychos to indulge.” — Preach it, Colby.
- Logos for days: Got a unique logo golf ball? DM it to @dailylogoball on Instagram, run by our very own @KJV11
on the tee
Monday, 3 PM ET
Member Spotlight: Michael Davies
CEO of Embassy Row Studios. Executive Producer of Jeopardy! and Who Wants to be a Millionaire?. Host of Men in Blazers. BTS member. Join us on March 29 for a fascinating chat about Davo’s childhood in England, his career in America, and how golf fits into all of it.
Wednesday, 3:30 PM ET
Broken Tee Society Town Hall
Calling all BTS members! With Season 1 ending and golf season ramping up, we’re convening a community-wide Town Hall. We’ll unveil a few exciting announcements, lay out future plans and hear from you as we keep building the greatest community in golf.