Bump&Run: 12/20/21
Welcome to Bump&Run, a recap of what you may have missed during the past week on the Broken Tee Society Discord server. Haven’t signed up for our server yet? Join the fun here: glfrsj.nl/BTSconnect
book club: art, science, and skepticism abound
Broken Tee Society members gathered for our first official monthly Book Club meeting on Wednesday, and the crew came armed with some takes. The lively, hour-long discussion on Brett Cyrgalis’s Golf’s Holy War touched everything from Trackman to Tiger to the misleading nature of the book’s title. This so-called “war” ended up reading—to some members at least—like more of a rambling anthology of some of golf’s quirkier characters from either end of the “mystery vs. science” spectrum. Christy Longfield called in from her car to plant her flag for science, meanwhile Dirk Kirchberg stayed up until past midnight in Germany to burn the book’s premise to ashes, despite not even reading past the first few chapters.
A big thanks to Bryan Knapp for organizing, and to Matt Chominski for providing a litany of thoughtful discussion questions. And a reminder that we’ll have Brett Cyrgalis himself on the Main Stage on Monday, 12/27 to respond to all of this and more!
the year is: 2021
After a strong week of voting, the results for the 2021 TGJ Year in Review are in! We appreciate those of you who took the time to make your voice heard. It’s always great to receive feedback on the things we’re making, and what you’d like to see more of.
The winners in each category were as follows:
Feature: Paspalum Shadows, TGJ No.15
Podcast: Ep. 71: The Sober League
Images: No. 16 at Kittansett
Keep an eye out in the next few weeks for a feature on our website highlighting your choices.
the composite course goes digital
Thanks to the diligent efforts of pollmaster Ryan Book, and dozens of member submissions from across the globe, our 2021 BTS Composite Course continues to take shape. From citadels of golfing royalty to scruffy seaside charmers, this collection offers a snapshot of courses where the Broken Tee Society pegged it over the past 12 months.
And although it’s technically members-only, a layout this strong deserves to be seen by the public. After voting closes on the final hole, look out for a digital feature on golfersjournal.com showcasing the BTS Composite 18.
calling all logo enthusiasts
Myopia. Winged Foot. Pasatiempo. The BTS Bourbon Bash? You bet. As part of next October’s Broken Tee Society pilgrimage to America’s bourbon capital, Cody and Joe have announced a logo design contest for the trip! Submit your design here, and dive into the trip thread to explore the itinerary and snag a spot!
tornado relief fund
LPGA player and Broken Tee Society Member Emma Talley was one of the many affected by last week’s devastating tornadoes in Western Kentucky. Emma left us an update in the server before setting up a GoFundMe for her local Chamber of Commerce. We’ve donated on behalf of TGJ, and encourage everyone to donate what you can to help a fellow member in need.
Additionally, please let us know if you are within driving distance of the damage and interested in putting boots on the ground to aid the cleanup efforts. We will assist in any way possible.
on the tee
Monday, 2:00 PM ET
As you might have seen, Hafe and Casey had a pretty good week. Join them on the Main Stage as they chat Grove, Summit, hanging out with Rory and Collin, and why Casey went home with someone else’s shoes?
RSVP here